How To Clean Your Lotus

One of our priorities when designing the Lotus sex mat was making sure that it was easy to clean, maintain, and store. Whether you want to do a quick clean before using it or a more comprehensive wash after your intimate activities, you can follow our recommendations for the best possible results.

Cleaning Instructions

Since this is a yoga-style mat, you can use any mild soap or gentle yoga mat cleanser that’s been diluted with water. The yoga mat cleanser will definitely provide a deeper clean than just mild soap. Whichever cleaning product you choose to use, follow these instructions:

  1. Mix your soap or yoga mat cleaner with water.
  2. Fill a spray bottle with the mixture.
  3. Spray your Lotus mat with a liberal amount of the solution.
  4. Use a microfiber cloth to gently wipe down the entire surface of the mat.
  5. Let the mat dry completely before using it or storing it.

Please note that you should avoid the use of harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaning materials, as these can damage the surface of the mat. Once damaged, we cannot guarantee that the mat will work with your suction cup sex toys.

If you feel that your mat requires a deeper cleaning, you can take this process a step further. Instead of spraying your mat down with the cleaning solution, soak it in a bathtub or large basin. Use the same mixture of mild soap and water for this deep cleaning that we mentioned above. After removing your mat from the water, allow it to dry completely before use.

We’re Here to Help

At Raya, we’re always here to answer questions and guide you in the use of your Lotus sex mat. For general questions, head over to our FAQ and get quick answers. If you’re looking for sex education or in-depth discussions about using the Lotus mat, check out our blog. And, if you feel like you need more personalized support, reach out to our team for assistance.

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